Timeout has always been my go-to method for helping my kids calm down, and regain control of frustrating parenting situations. But, sometimes, it’s not effective.
Some parenting experts believe that timeout is not a good method of discipline. They weigh on on why timeout might not be working for your family, and positive parenting techniques that will work for you.
If you’re still using a time out chair, or putting your kid in the corner, these time out idea alternatives might give you some helpful discipline ideas for your toddler or child.
I found 5 videos that talk about positive parenting discipline and how we can use that to focus on the needs of our kids, and discipline in a way that works!
The positive Time Out Alternative That Works
Alternate to Timeouts from Tina Bryson, PhD.
What to do when your child is hitting instead of putting them in time out.
Why Counting Doesn’t Work and How to Discipline Your Child
Why Sometimes Parents and Caregivers Need the Time Out
What do you think about these ideas? Does time out work for you in your house?
[…] how to discipline our children. One of us may think spanking is ideal while the other believes that “Time Out” is the way to go. However, as partners you need to get on the same page as to how to go about […]