Here’s a thought: I think kids secretly hate playgroups.
I hosted a playgroup at my house today for the young moms at church, and I really should be taking a nap after all that crazy instead of writing this blog post.
It’s really something that you can’t put into words properly.
I prepped all morning. Even though it was in my backyard, I still felt the need to compulsively clean my entire house in the off chance a toddler and possibly his mommy might step into it for a whole 5 seconds. So, yes, I was cleaning bathrooms at 8 am this morning. And, yes, toddlers used my bathroom and one mom walked in my house. One.
In an effort to make this less stressful for the mommies, they’ve decided that the playgroup should be in the backyard. SO, of course I felt the need to clean that up too. I hauled every toy, piece of chalk and folding chair I could muster up out onto my back deck for fear the little ones would not be entertained. I wiped down wet chairs from the rainstorm the night before, and I cleaned out the sandbox and that cool contraption I bought the other day that my kids are already tired of. I wanted a nap by 9:50 am when it was time for everyone to finally come over.
And, then the troops arrived.
At first, all was going well. We had plenty of shade, and the kids were happy with a new yard to play in. Honestly, I’m not sure how many kids were there. I think there were about 20 kids. I just did a re-count in my head, and yep, there were 20. And, these are all preschool age and younger. Umm. I’m glad they all made it out alive is all I can say.
But, in usual playgroup fashion, the moms stayed on the shady deck while the kids roamed free. I can only imagine how at some point, playgroups just makes toddlers angry. So they start rebelling.
At first, it’s in quiet ways like dumping two buckets of chalk into that water filled cool contraption that I mentioned above. I went over there to check on the little ones that were all too quiet and found water the color of blood. I started scooping the chalk up the best I could. It was pretty disgusting. Note to self: never leave chalk un-supervised in the hands of 20 angry children.
Next, I notice bubbles getting poured out quietly, and down another kid’s back. Some were just being eaten. Bubbles, not kids.
Then, there was a pack of 3-4 year old boys in the lower part of the yard spinning each other like crazy on that swing we just hung up, playing with jagged rocks, and digging up huge ant piles. No big deal.
Next, there were the wanderers. You know, the ones that end up in places that your kids never dreamed of going in your yard before like the tiny crack between the house and the fence, or into the jungle of ivy where snakes are most likely lurking, or even worse, onto your bed in your spotless master bedroom with a package of fruit snacks when we were all supposed to be outside.
At one point, I go inside to wash Chandler’s hands and realize a fruit snack caked with grass is stuck to the bottom of my shoe. Lovely.
My yard looked like a package of over-used dollar store toys exploded all over it.
Then, when the sun starts to rise even higher, and the little ones are losing steam from sheer exhaustion of having to entertain themselves with a soccer ball and some jump rope, they start being more overtly angry. Blood sugar levels start to drop. Poor things can’t always vocalize that they really hate playgroup, not love it, so they do things like slap each other, push each other, steal each other’s toys, and smash each other’s snacks on your back deck.
I sat there, being the only overly-anxious mom that I am and thought, “What must it be like to be a care-free mom that doesn’t worry about 5 toddlers sharing the same sippy, or your kid playing in blood colored water? or the fact that a child you are in charge of is hitting anyone in sight because she just wants some dang goldfish!!”
I realize that I’m in the minority and that most moms don’t worry or stress over stupid stuff like germs and smashed granola bars on the back deck. Maybe YOU are one of those easy-going types that surround me everywhere I look. I admire you, and simultaneously want to shake you.
And, I think to myself, “WHAT ARE WE DOING?!!!”
I doubt my kids even likes this.
In theory, I love them. Moms sitting around bonding while kids play happily together sharing toys and enjoying one another’s company, but when I witness events like I witnessed today, I’m pretty sure that most kids probably hate playgroups.
There were two falls down stairs, several beatings, and one bloody nose at the end of all of it. But, hey! we got the kids out of the house, right? So, we did a good thing today. Right? RIGHT?
All I know is that I’m exhausted, and pretty sure if Chandler could talk he would tell me to never EVER do that again. And, those other 19 kids would probably agree.
monk-monk says
That sounds exhausting. Renting a room at Chuckie Cheese is starting to sound better and better…
twinzees says
I am exhausted just reading about your day. 20 kids??!! Wow. You are a good good person.
Valerie says
I stopped doing playgroups after my daughter was school-age, and never have with the boys. Not worth it! lol
fakingpictureperfect says
Yeah, it definitely did NOT seem worth it today.
Amber Perea says
Hahahahaha! Never, never, never shake me! 🙂
I’m laid back as all get out but I also rarely do anything like what is you are speaking of. It sounds like lord of the flies. No thank you! 😉
fakingpictureperfect says
Well, there is a difference between laid back, but knowing when to intervene and just not caring what your child is doing, right?
ninjasinstitches says
I’m very fortunate.. my kids have always been “mellow” compared to other kids… They are not hitters/biters smashers in anyway.. I get to be laid back because of it..
fakingpictureperfect says
My kids are pretty mellow too. Poor things got stuck with the most overly anxious mom on the planet. 🙂
sandinmytoestk says
Wow, you deserve an award for hosting 20 kids (and moms)! I think kids don’t like the fact that their mommies are happily eating granola bars, so they’re extra naughty at playgroups to get their attention. Just my theory. Oh, and I can’t handle a playgroup…yet!
fakingpictureperfect says
I DO deserve a reward. And a nap! 🙂
Nidhi says
I really liked this post…I guess I’m a very anxious mom too…always on guard about my daughter (food, safety, cleanliness, list goes on!)…And while many think its crazy of me to be like that, I still feel its important to be a very very ‘careful’ mommy…I have seen some carefree moms who don’t even care if their child is eating stuff from the floor, eating junk, chocolates and what not!…. And some who dont care how many times their kid falls off…Even though all this carefree factors supposedly make their kids more immune, stronger and independent, I will perhaps never be able to subscribe to this theory! 🙂 ..Donno about my kid, I definitely & secretly dread playgroups! 🙂
fakingpictureperfect says
Thanks for the comment! I know, I love/hate them. 🙂
Monica Lynn says
20 toddlers? Are you insane? I love you and your optimism. I have family coming over to my house with two two-year-old twin boys for the weekend and I’m having a panic attack. I can’t imagine 20. My sister hosts a playgroup where they go to a different park each time, no cleaning up required. You may be in the minority, but at least you are not alone! I’m the mom that ends up watching all the kids at the big family get togethers.
fakingpictureperfect says
Sorry that you are the mom that has to watch everyone. That sounds horrible enough. Thanks for the nice comment. Hope you come back! 🙂
Mary Widdicks says
That is awesome. Kind of like a trip to the zoo…if all the animals were loose and it was your job to wrangle them!
Meredith says
Yep. Pretty much!!
Kristi Campbell says
OMG part of me is jealous that you knew 20 kids to have over at the ages of 3-4 but I might have not survived that! I think one that that’s both good and bad about being an older mom to a young boy is that in some ways, I’m totally more relaxed about stuff breaking but I’m way more anxious about things like snakes in the ivy! Yikes!
Chris Carter says
OH do I get THIS Meredith!!! When I used to host playgroups, I was a MESS because the kids were CRAZY and I was freaking out about the total LOSS OF CONTROL!!! While other moms just sat calmly not paying any attention, I was one big ball of anxiety with my eyes twitching and my stomach ready to hurl.
I would excuse myself and run fast into the corners of the house looking for stuff and kids and quickly getting GOO off the floor etc.
Oh, do I get you!!!