I am a little in love with those Life Hacks posts you see floating around. I find myself amazed at the ingenuity of others. I mean who doesn’t love someone that will help you figure out how to create your own Nutella Ice Cream easily?
Or how to eat a cupcake:
I mean, can you say mind blown? I could seriously look at these all day! So, I thought it might be nice to share some parenting life hacks. Some are mine, some I borrowed. Are you excited? Here you go:
1. Feed Your Kid Everything In Sample Size. Can’t get your child to eat? Serve it in a dixie cup with a spork in tiny sample size. If that doesn’t work, try a cupcake liner, or just take them to Costco. Tiny samples work for tiny people.
photo credit: KRHamm via photopin cc
2. Art Equals Understanding. Want to know what your child is thinking or feeling? Use art therapy. Or, just tell them to draw a picture of you and them. See what happens. I discovered I look a little bit like that scary girl from The Ring when I’m scolding my kids. Now I know. I might need to see a chiropractor too.
3. Ask about paint colors if you’re feeling isolated. Feeling lonely as a SAHM? Then go to social media. Ask people what paint color they recommend (even if you aren’t painting something). Your “friends” will come out of the woodwork to advise you. People are terrified you will choose the wrong color of white for your walls.
photo credit: Dey via photopin cc
4. Chop Vegetables Like a Ninja So Your Kids Take You Seriously. While chopping your veggies, give them instructions like, go clean your room. Kids don’t argue with a Mom with a knife in her hand.
photo credit: cszar via photopin cc
5. Need Help with Chores? It’s Never too Young to Start. See! This little guy already knows how to clean windows.
6. Let the Dog Help Pull Loose Teeth. Have a little one who doesn’t want her tooth pulled? Let the dog help.
7. Tell your kids Saturday Mornings are for Cleaning. They might just sleep later.
8. Tired of bathing your kids? Use the cat!
9. Want a quick entertainer? Try Balloons! Who needs a room full of toys when you have balloons??
If you love babies laughing, then you have to watch my daughter on her first birthday. Playing with toys? No. Popping balloons!
Avery loves popping Balloons by mere77
10. Feeling Lazy? A little rope can work wonders.
What’s a parenting tip that you need to share? Or which one of mine will you use?
Meredith, that is DEFINITELY a beer in the last photo. This is NOT appropriate Mormon Mommy Blog content. 🙂
I know!! HAHA. Oh well.
Ha! I’ll let our cat bathe the kids from now on then.
Oh and to answer your question from my blog, yes, the Shamrock Shake tastes minty 🙂
This is fantastic. So what color are you painting that wall…?
I love your hacks! I laughed all the way through!
LOL!! This was great but I cringed watching the dog and the tooth pulling! That just creeps me out! But it seemed to work.
My dad used to tie ours to a door and slam the door shut. At least I think he did that once. 🙂
Ha! I love the samples – might have to try that one! The first time I saw someone do that cupcake thing I was mind blown, too! Why didn’t I ever think of that?!?! I also have a friend who cuts straws in half, pokes a tiny hole in the foil cover of individual applesauce cups, and lets her kids drink it through a straw – No mess!!! Again, why didn’t I think of that when my kids were smaller?!?!?
That IS genius!! I know. These lists always blow my mind. I don’t think mine is that mind blowing, but it was fun to make anyway. 🙂
I love these tips. They are all great but I really love the nutella and cupcake..yum! And the rope connected to the swing is brilliant! I saw your Facebook post saying this post was born out of writer’s block 😉 I wrote a similar kind of post for the same reason for Monday 😉
Yeah. The problem isn’t lack of inspiration right now, I just don’t have time to write the kind of post I want to right now. The ones that require more brain power! 🙂 Ha!
I hear ya, I feel short on time for everything lately. My kids need to get on a strict schedule with wake-up times…my son waking up 30 minutes earlier in the morning is cramping my style a bit. haha
I have frickin’ tears coming down my cheeks from that little dog tied to a strinig and pulling the little girl’s tooth out. Hang on…be right back.
Ok I’m here LOLOL…had to watch it again. Oh lordy then I totally lost it with the kid licking the windows. Meredith this post is absolutely hysterically funny!!!! 🙂
Thanks Mike! And thanks for sharing! 🙂
Wow, you do look like that girl from the grudge!! That drawing was too funny. I think my other favorite was that rope tied to the swing. I have no life hacks to share…..I’m not that creative:(
The internet is my friend! 🙂
OMG this might be my favorite of your posts of all time. HILARIOUS.
Thank you! 🙂
Um, that cupcake thing TOTALLY blew my mind. I had never seen it. This changes everything.
Also- the Dixie cup thing? Genius. Obviously, I need all the help I can get! 😉 And I may rig up the rope to the swingset this spring! Lazy parents, unite!
I know right? The cupcake thing is amazing!
I’m suddenly wishing I had pets….
Enjoyed this. The last one is my favourite 🙂
Ha! Well, I have a cat, and she isn’t this useful! 🙂
When I want my youngest to try a new food, I offer him a variety of “spoons.” An ice cream scoop, gravy ladle, melon baller, 1/4 tsp measuring spoon, etc. He gets to pick which one to use and then he forgets that I am trying to poison…I mean feed him healthy food!
Haha! That’s genius!
I love this! And yes, the cupcake hack totally blew my mind.
I know, right??
These are just hilarious! I needed to see something funny today, so thank you 🙂
You’re welcome!! 🙂
OMG Avery laughing is PRICELESS! My son Tucker loved watching her 🙂
These are hilarious and sadly, I can’t think of anything that I’ve used as a life hack…
Ha! I’ve totally counted Costco samples as lunch….so yeah, definitely used that one.
Hahaha! My favorite is the little one cleaning the windows!
I love the sample sized food trick. I will be stealing that one for sure. And maybe the cupcake thing. Yum.
This is so cute! ^5 to #7. Haha