I have always claimed and considered myself to be an easy person to get along with. The older I get, the more I wonder if that is really true, or just my perception of myself. Maybe no one else thinks I’m that easy to get along with. Or maybe, just some people don’t think I am. I don’t know.
But, the truth is, we ALL think our way of thinking is normal. Maybe those of us who are really out there don’t think that, but I think the majority of people think that the way they think is the best and most logical way to think. My Dad shared this on FB yesterday, and it was one of the first things I read this morning. I think he may have meant this for me specifically. Dads are good like that.
Oddly enough, I also believe that I am not a judgmental person, and am pretty open-minded. But, again, maybe that’s just my perception of myself. But, I do feel like as I’ve gotten older, and had more kids, the less I seem to critique the way others do things. I hope that’s true. Because I think that’s a great attribute to have.
Who am I to judge another
When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden
Sorrow that the eye can’t see.
Who am I to judge another?
Just a line from one of my favorite hymns.
We all say, “to each their own” rather flippantly, but I can always do better. The world can always do better. I’m definitely not perfect. I’m reminded of that often.
Today, is my 600th post. 600 posts in 5 1/2 years. I could maybe list 600 things I’ve learned through blogging. But, I won’t. Because, who would really want to read that? Instead, I will just say, I know that there are 600. At least.
Blogging has given me insight into myself and into others that I never dreamed of. I read blog posts, and I’m affected by them. My life is changed in good ways by the writing of others, and by the reflection my own writing brings me. So, I hope just one of these 600 posts of mine might affect someone else in a positive light. Not because I want everyone to think the way I think, but just the opposite. So, we can understand that it is through being honest, real, and true to who we really are, that we discover the beauty in our differences. That we learn from each other. God never intended for me to be just like everyone else. In fact, I would even say that He loves that I am NOT like everyone else.
Sometimes, I feel stifled living in a culture of people who are all striving for the same goals. It makes things feel all too homogeneous. Especially in Utah. Like, if I believe something different than the next stay-at-home-mormon-mom-with-three-kids that also is a firm believer, with a cat and a red-headed husband, then maybe I am somehow not living my life right. But, I believe whole-heartedly that THAT thinking is absolutely not right, and not from God. If so, why would he give me a mind at all?
Today, I’m grateful to have this little blog. To have this outlet for me, but also to read the thoughts of others. It has made me a better person, more understanding, more compassionate, and more proud of who I am.
If you aren’t a blog reader (the new excitement of blogging wore off a couple of years ago, I think, which is why some think that blogging is weird. It kind of is.), you might want to think about it. Because reading what others think, and feel, and experience can only make you a better person. At least that’s what I think.
You could always link up to this fun blog mosey going on at one of my favorite blogs to read.
And, I’m sure you’ll discover that lots of people think like you do, or very different. But, either way, it’s a way to be better at being human. If I do say so myself.
Think left and think right
and think low and think high.
Oh the thinks you can think up if only you try!-Dr. Seuss
Here’s to hoping I will still have something to say 600 posts from now. I think that’s thinking high. What do you think?
And on an ironic note, my favorite search engine term for today: “how not to annoy oneself when high”
600 posts? That’s a lot of Merideth to take in. Good for you though. Glad you’re still around.
Congrats on your 600th post!
This is one of my favorite posts you’ve written. Also, some of my favorite books to read are memoirs, and I guess blogging is like writing a memoir while it is happening. So I think I get it a bit better.now. You may have inspired me to do something I should have been doing all my life. (Well, I kind of have….I just haven’t written it down!)
Oh – you are WAY too fun for the room! GREAT blog!! Can it be true – you are a fellow Utahan??
Yep! But I have to admit I’m a Texan through and through, I just will probably live in Utah the rest of my life! 🙂