I’m tired. Are you tired? You know what I’m most tired of? Thinking about toys.
As if we don’t have enough toys in our house already, we have 2 birthdays and Christmas in our house all within 41 days of each other. So, that equals a LOT of toys.
And, the worst part of it all? Is that I stress about toys like my children are deprived or something. They are so NOT deprived that it is ridiculous. Yet, Christmas stresses me out so much when it comes to making sure my children are happy on Christmas morning. I don’t go overboard, but I make sure that the one thing they want from Santa is always there.
The funny thing is, is that I don’t really know where this fear comes from. The fear of disappointment. My mom claims there was one year I, (or maybe it was my sister), exclaimed in disappointment that some doll wasn’t as big as it was on TV. But, honestly, I don’t have a single childhood memory of disappointment. And, money was definitely scarce growing up some years, but my parents always found a way to make us happy on Christmas.
Yet, somehow, I stress over toys like my children are living in Africa and playing with a rock and a stick everyday. (Have you seen the movie, Babies? Fascinating.)
So, this year, my seven year old told me that she wanted another baby doll. I’m not sure why this suddenly became the fixation. She’s seven. She literally NEVER plays with baby dolls.
Except when friends are over, and then she only has the one, and I guess there is some arguing over the baby doll (although I’ve never actually witnessed this either so I have my doubts). When I pointed this out, she explained that her current baby doll isn’t good enough because she wants one where she can really change the diapers and have a changing table, and a crib. WHAT? We have a real life changing table and crib….and even a real life kid she could change the diapers for if she wanted. Now I have to own fake ones too?
I was all set to buy her the baby doll and accessories to go with it when she suddenly brought up American Girl dolls. Which, although ridiculously overpriced, did seem more age appropriate. When I really questioned her about which one she wanted more, she had good reasons for wanting both.
So, I decided on the Our Generation doll (knock off AG doll from Target) instead of the baby doll. We found one that looked like my daughter which is kind of the point I guess? Although somewhat creepy too. I tried to purchase it only to realize that that particular doll only sold on ebay by evil people who like to take advantage of parents like myself apparently. Who are these people that have all the brand new dolls in packaging waiting to rip off people like me?
So, what to do? After consulting with my sister, I decided that the Our Generation doll was the better choice than the baby (because it is more age appropriate), even if we couldn’t find one to look like her. So, I had settled on plan B doll. The problem was, I waited a few days to actually sit down and make the online purchase. When I finally did, it was gone online. And, of course did not actually exist in a Target store.
Kill. me. now.
So, yesterday, my husband and I moved on to plan C doll, or plan D if you count the fact that we’re already buying the knock off doll, and just bought a doll in the chance we couldn’t find either of the other dolls between now and Christmas. Is your head spinning yet?
I was feeling pretty good until she saw Santa on Saturday at the church christmas brunch and told him that she wanted babies for Christmas. No big girl dolls were mentioned. Sigh.
So, tonight on the way home from somewhere, I found myself sitting next to her in the back seat and I tried to casually talk up the big girl dolls, “…but they come with books, and clothes you can change….” I said trying to convince her. “Yeah, but I really want a baby that moves, and does stuff”, she replies. “At Costco, they had a baby changing table too.” she said.
I replied, “Does Santa shop at Costco?”
She smiled, unsure.
“Well, I’m sure maybe he has to sometimes…” I reply before she started thinking too much.
And, all the while, I’m thinking to myself, “I have to return that Plan D doll tomorrow and get a freaking baby doll and shop for baby furniture to add to the mounds of toys that are already overcrowding my tiny house. Crap.” Stuff like this is how the true meaning of Christmas gets lost. Seriously.
I mean, the two year old played with a tiny, empty box for over an hour in church today.
The truth is, as much as Santa tries to get the right thing so everything is JUST perfect on Christmas morning, he still has to make a last minute trip to exchange something, or move on to Plan F to get it done. F as in….You’re freaking kidding me, right?
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Tammy Doiel @creativekkids.com says
Now I’m stressed out! My girls do have OG dolls–and love them. I would never buy them American Girl dolls–that is way over our budget. I bought OG dolls for 3 of my nieces back at the beginning of November, and then when I bought one at the end of November, I noticed they had sold out of a lot of them. I am wondering if they are going to make more? Anyway, I hope you find the perfect doll for her soon!
Meredith says
Thanks!! I have decided to get the baby doll that she wants instead of what I want her to want. 🙂 That’s the right thing to do, even if she never plays with it, at least her Christmas morning dreams come true, right?
I’m still not sure how I feel about AG Dolls. I get their point but they are so expensive. Over the years I have tried to teach kiddo that shopping at thrift stores and buying ‘store brands’ are just as good and labels are just that – labels and they mean nothing. We get quite a bit from our local Goodwill that has been donated by Target and Old Navy that is brand new with tags. She has learned to look for these deals. When she sees toys that she wants, she hardly has a care that they might have a flaw if it means that she has enough allowance money to get something she wants. Last year she started talking about a doll like the one grammie got her. It was a AG knock-off. Well I found one at thrift store and I was able to get her for a few bucks and completely redo her hair and get her some new clothes. Then I purchased a packages of new clothing that came with a few outfits. She was perfectly content with her refurbished dolly and plays with her all the time. We don’t thrift everything. There are some things, like the ‘her size’ Barbie she asked Santa for last year. We lucked out on that. She does have babies, but never seems to play with those much either. She is always ooohing and awwwing over my 1985 Cabbage Patch Kid so I bought her one of her own. Even got her some clothes. That is pretty much the only one she ‘babies’ now. This year it seems to be all about Monster High. I almost had to resort to a plan B for her. So far, so good though, Amazon saved me. It’s my husband that I’m not having the luck with. ugh. I hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and I am glad I stumbled on your blog today!
My daughter has 2 American Girl dolls and loves them. But yes, they are expensive :/ My daughter seems to mainly be into My Little Pony though. So she’s getting lots of pony stuff.
We have lots of ponies here too!!
Am I so glad that I have boys right now? Uh, the answer is a resounding YES!
And let me tell you–you are totally in the right about staying away from the AG dolls. So crazy expensive and then every accessory needs something else.
I wonder, though, if there is something else going on here? Why the specific fixation with a “baby”? When I read that she asked Santa for a “baby” for Christmas, I started to wonder…. Did you ask her why baby specifically? Does she want something to love? Is she longing for something that is going to give her sustained, specific attention? Are her siblings using all of her toys and she feels like she doesn’t have anything that’s “just for her” or “special”? Sometimes a girl that age asking for something like a baby (or a puppy, I guess) maybe asking for something larger but can’t articulate it? This is me projecting and speculating… ignore all of it if I’m way off base! I just recall seeing this in middle school sometimes.
I’m glad that you eventually got her the babydoll she was asking for. She’ll be happy no matter what, i’m sure!
Way to make me worry even more!! 😉 Honestly, I think that it COULD be one of those things, but in all likelihood it’s because she has a few friends that always want to play babies. The more I talk to other parents of girls the same age as her, the more I think it’s not really that abnormal for her age….but still, time will tell if she will actually play with it. Yes, boys are so much easier, and those AG dolls are ridiculous!! They have cuter clothes than I do!
Bah!! Didn’t want to make it you worry more!!
I’m glad that it’s all gonna work out. Can’t wait to read the update after Christmas! Will she like it? Will she play with it? Will she throw it across the room?? I’m on pins and needles over here!
I know. My life is so exciting! 😉
sigghhhhhh…do I need to go to Costco?
No. I’ve got it all figured out now. I think.
We have a similar dilemma. My daughter (6) wants a Cabbage Patch doll, but not the retro one that I owned as a kid, she wants a “my first cabbage patch doll” that is all cloth and made for babies/toddlers because her sister has one. They don’t make these anymore and the evil folks on ebay are chaging $74 for a little cloth doll! She plays with every toy/baby she’s had for like 2 days straight and then ditches them. There will be a lot of serious consulting with Santa on how to handle this one!
Yes. And, I LOVED my cabbage patch doll. Unfortunately, I no longer have Winnie (that was her name…stupid!). She met an early demise!
F as in… bwa-ha-ha! Well played.. And i feel your pain! I have been shocked at my 7 yo’s re-interest in dolls! Both she and my two year old are obsessed with their baby dolls, the 2 strollers we have, the 3 tiny cribs, the carseat, the high-chair… I blame my husband. Whenever someone at his work gives away baby stuff, he takes it home! We could fill an entire room with our baby stuff. AND, both of them are getting dolls from Santa. Clearly, not AG ones. 😉
Well, maybe if your 7 year old plays with them a lot, mine will too!! Yes, the AG dolls are ridiculous!
Why does this whole toy thing have to be so stressful? Sometimes, I wish kids didn’t have so many choices nowadays. It utterly confuses them!
For sure. And, I’ve majorly simplified this year! But, the Santa gift is what always stresses me out!
Our son asked for a dragon for Christmas from Santa. My mom has already got a couple of them for him and has asked several times to make sure no one else gets them for him. That is all fine and good except that Santa promised our son he would get a dragon from him. My shopping was done and now I get to piss my mom off or make Santa a liar. I thought Santa should be smarter than to promise a kid a certain toy. UGH. There is a lot of stress to not mess up this whole Christmas thing.
For sure. I frequently say something stupid. I’m so surprised my kids haven’t figured it out already!!
OMG, I know it is mean but I am literally peeing myself. You poor thing. My eldest is only 3 so you can take your revenge on me soon. I know I will be just the same and I have gone WAY overboard this Xmas. He is 3. His most treasured possession ever was a car I made from an old Amazon box! Good luck. I hope she loves doll F *Crosses fingers*….and Santa definitely shops in Costco 😉
Feel free to laugh! I do it to myself. 🙂