Mom style. It’s not exactly my forte. I consider it a good day if make-up is applied, and an excellent day if I have the energy to blow dry my hair.
I will never forget the time when I was really in the trenches, and applied a full face of make-up. When I emerged my tiny 2 year old at the time said, “Church day?” Because the only time I applied make-up was Sunday.
Yes, we know not to wear “mom jeans” anymore, but style when you’re a mom is so much more complicated than that.
My latest meme proved that moms have good days, and we definitely have bad days. Apparently, we’re all walking around looking like Jack Nicholson half the time. But, that’s OK. We’re still moms getting crap done.
But, if you’re feeling like your sense of mom style is lacking, you’re not alone.
Here are some memes that will prove that to you. Click on the memes to share them from the original source.
Jenny @ Unremarkable Files says
These are why I go so long between haircuts and why I don’t wear skinny jeans!
Also, the other day Phillip jokingly told me, “Hey, you showered today! That’s HOT.”
Meredith says
haha. That’s hilarious!
AmaNda says
I am actually about to go on a date with my husband and I look terrible. No makeup, blah hair and quite frankly hardly awake enough to do much. He also wants to go workout first, before our date.
By the way, we have a five year old daughter who’s still living out her terrible twos and we just had twins.
Needless to say, reading this made me feel better about how un-pretty I feel and how uninterested I feel in doing anything except sleeping. Husband literally just said he’s working all next week including Saturday and Sunday. I’m so tired!
Well, it’s nice to know my life is normal?
Ne says
I had to put a post it note on the mirror to remind me to shave under my arms
Ella says
These are hilarious! As a mother of 3 wild boys I can totally relate to that and was laughing all the way through! Thanks for posting these!