These quiet time boxes are the perfect solution for an older toddler, preschooler, or any child at home that doesn’t want to nap. These easy quiet time activity boxes are full of fun things like finger puppets, small toys, sensory activities, and other quiet things your pre Kindergarten age kid can do independently.
Dealing with kids toys is about as fun to me as going to Wal-Mart on a Saturday evening with all three kids and a very long list. It’s something I hate. But, sometimes, purging your toys can help you get creative. And, you can even use those leftover toys to create quiet time boxes.
Yet, when you have three kids, toys are overwhelming.
Right now, we are in a space where we have a lot of space, but that might be coming to an end soon. We are looking to buy a house….if I can convince my husband, and we will most definitely be buying one smaller than the one we are renting now. So, toys have been on my brain lately.
I have toys in closets, in bins, in drawers, in playrooms, in bedrooms, in my living room. It’s driving me absolutely insane. And it seems no matter how many garage sales I have, there are still too many.
So, recently, my husband and I went through the bedrooms and cleaned house when the kids weren’t around.
We made a hug pile of toys in a box that we wanted to get rid of because no one ever plays with them, and then we had a genius idea. We used the 5 Toy Save Method, and it’s the perfect way to help your kids get rid of their toys willingly.
But, since my middle child is giving up naps, I thought I’d create some quiet time boxes for Monday-Friday.
The genius part of my plan is that I took small toys from his room and divided them up into different bins so that every day, he can have a box to play with certain toys.
I only spent about $15 dollars at the dollar store on the bins, some new coloring books, and a new toy for each day of the week. Not only is it de-cluttering toys a little, but the hope is that these quiet time boxes with less to choose from will actually make him want to play independently during quiet time.
So, I thought I’d share what is in each of the quiet time boxes.
Quiet Time Box For Monday:
New coloring book $1, transformer from his room, a few crayons (already had), Wendy’s kid’s meal toy in baggy (already had), nesting dolls (already had), flash cards $1
Quiet Time Box For Tuesday:
New toy car $1, finger puppets (already had), new coloring book $1 with crayons I already had, two balls (pack of 4 from $1 store), ruler (already had), and transformer (already had)
Quiet Time Box for Wednesday:
Star Wars action figures (already had), Spiderman puzzle (already had), spinning top $1, pencil and activity book $1, washable paint markers (already had)
Quiet Time Box for Thursday:
Airplane (already had), magnets (already had), Construction worker toys (already had), maze game $1, hot wheels watercolor book $1, alphabet flashcards (already had)
Quiet Time Box For Friday:
Puzzle (already had), crayons (already had), cars (already had), magnets (already had), balls (set of 4 $1), pirate coloring book $1
How do you keep your kids quiet during quiet time? Give me all your secrets in the comments!
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donofalltrades says
Let me know if you’re ever going to throw out the star wars action figures. I’m all over that!
not a chance!!!
Geez, that doesn’t sounds very Mormonly of you. Or at least not my presumption of what to be Mormonly is like.
Ha! Sorry. 🙂 Those were my husband’s when he was a kid. So, doubt we will ever part with them. Is that better?
There you go, a simple explanation. I wondered how old they were. I must admit though I’m still shocked that Mormons are allowed such things. This is very fascinating.
His brother actually has a HUGE tub of them too. They are maybe worth something. You probably couldn’t buy them now because the tiny light sabers would be a choking hazard.
You’re probably right. I’m sure we can thank some busy body mommy blogger for that.
I think your bins will be successful. There is something about small boxes with toys that makes playing with what’s inside so much more interesting to their little minds.
I hope so!
Recently I participated in a toy swap with some other local mamas. We all brought toys we didn’t want our kids to have anymore, put them in a huge pile, and then sorted through and took out some toys that someone else had brought. That way we got rid of a ton, but still picked up a few things for our little ones. The rest: donated to a woman’s shelter/church group for moms in need. It felt great!
What a great idea!!
I love this idea! Will definitely keep it in mind for when Sonia is a little bit older.
I’m a nighttime toy tossing ninja, too. No one is the wiser…including my husband who, I think, is just as attached to them as Jp is. Lol 🙂
I get that way sometimes and then I think what the heck!? It’s just a toy!!
My son reads books on his kindle. That always keeps him quiet!
Yes! If only my 4 year old could read!!
Oh toys!! I recently re-arranged the toy area in our house! I condensed down from 3 play areas to 1!!! P loves it, I just need to spend some money and get things into tubs!!
That sounds nice! I think in going to do something similar when we move!
nappy time = crappy time
One reason I love summer! A lot of our toys go right to the sandbox. Will they be lost, broken or forgotten in the snow? I don’t care, just get them out of the house! Very good post!
Sounds like you’re a genius to me!
Oh I do this with my kiddo! And you know what, there are times when she falls asleep on the floor while tinkering with her stuff! 🙂
What a great idea! Pinned! I’m so making these for my Little.
These are great tips, and a fun way to actually get a kid interested in his toys! I’m also in the process of de-cluttering toys at the moment, and it’s not easy 🙂
I did these when my middle child stopped napping. I need to put some new ones together for my youngest. 🙂 they really are great!
LOVE that idea Meredith!!! Makes perfect sense, and look at how ORGANIZED you are!!
i love your inexpensive ideas. You are a good mom!